Site future – this means you!

This tenor website has always been depending on its readers' contributions, and it always will. If you use this resource, please feel obliged to participate (for free, since this is entirely a non-profit website!) in one way or another: perhaps you know tenors that are missing from the site so far, then please send something about them: a picture, one or more recordings, a biography... whatever! Perhaps you are a web designer or IT expert, and would be able to improve this site: you're very welcome to get in touch! Or perhaps you can bring Historical Tenors into contact with any such people; that, too, would be much appreciated.

But you can also contribute in a less time-consuming way, and share the costs for the maintenance of this site (which is, for me, more and more becoming a full-time pursuit) – by simply sending a donation via Patreon.

Whichever way you choose of supporting this website, thank you in advance for helping secure a loooooooong future for Historical Tenors.

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