Picture of Charles Craig as 

Picture of Charles Craig in 

Charles Craig in Otello with Adriana Maliponte, Gian Piero Mastromei, Adrien Sénéquier and Danielle Grima at Marseille on 14/16 February 1969

Picture of Charles 
Craig in Otello with Adriana Maliponte
Charles Craig in Otello with Adriana Maliponte at Marseille on 14/16 February 1969

Charles Craig in Otello with Gian Piero Mastromei at Marseille on 14/16 February 1969

Charles Craig in Turandot with Henri Médus and Adriana Maliponte at Marseille on April 25/28 1968

Picture of Charles Craig 
in Turandot with Amy Shuard
Charles Craig in Turandot with Amy Shuard at Marseille on 25/28 April 1968

Picture of Charles Craig in 
I wish to thank John Freere Perry for the pictures (top two).
I wish to thank Claude Ribou for the pictures (bottom six).