Review of a book on baritone Victor Damiani

Antonio V. Lagatta Mazzeo Victor Damiani, una vida para el canto
Ediciones de la plaza, Montevideo, 2002, 313 pages
The previous book on Victor Damiani was a very small booklet indeed. This was not in relation with the importance of Damiani. Finally the gap has been filled. This new book by Antonio Lagatta Mazzeo is magnificent. It consists of a brief two page biographical overview, followed by an extensive chronology. This chronology is day by day as far as feasible, and is sprinkled with reviews. Those reviews are placed directly below the chronological entry. Publishing reviews is the only way to document a singer's career. This part is 250 pages long. Those pages are also sprinkled with an incredible amount of photographs. The next sections is devoted to playbills, letters, copies of labels of records made for Victor, a repertory by composers & in chronological order with dates and locations. There is an index of names, a bibliography and an addendum. Bravo.

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