Pierre Ranck

born 1921 Leren

Picture of Pierre Ranck

Pierre Ranck singsCavalleria rusticana: Vive le vin qui pétille
In RA format

Pierre Ranck singsCavalleria rusticana: Mère, ce vin est généreux
In RA format

Ranck was a porter at the Central Market in Paris; only in 1950, he started to take voice lessons. After brief training, he was accepted into the choir of the Opéra-Comique, where in 1953 he was promoted to soloist, singing Turiddu, Canio, Pinkerton, Cavaradossi, Julien (Louise) and Don José. At the Opéra, he made his debut in 1960 as a comprimario.

Reference 1, reference 2

I wish to thank Georges Cardol for the recordings.
I wish to thank Jean Goury for the picture.

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