William Cochran

23 June 1943 Columbus (Ohio) – 16 January 2022 Königstein am Taunus

William Cochran sings Die Walküre: Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond (2)
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William Cochran sings Die Walküre: Ein Schwert verhieß mir der Vater
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William Cochran sings Die Walküre: Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond (1)
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William Cochran sings Die Walküre: Siegmund heiß' ich , with Helga Dernesch
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He studied voice with Martial Singer in Philadelphia and with Lotte Lehmann in California and made his debut as Kunz Vogelgesang at the Met in 1968. After appearances in San Francisco and Mexico City, he went to Europe in 1970; in Hamburg and at the Vienna Staatsoper, and particularly in Frankfurt and Munich, he specialized in Wagner, but sang also Idomeneo, Hoffmann, Laca, Peter Grimes or Canio, for instance. Guest appearances at Covent Garden (1974), at the Met (1984/85, two performances as Bacchus), in New Orleans, Boston, San Francisco, Zürich, Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam, at the Berlin Staatsoper or the Paris Opéra. He sang until 2001.

Reference 1, reference 2: Kutsch & Riemens, reference 3, reference 4
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I wish to thank Imogen Norcroft for the recordings (Ein Schwert verhieß mir der Vater, Siegmund heiß' ich, Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond 1).

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