Paul Althouse

Picture of Paul Althouse

Picture of Paul Althouse as Dimitri
Paul Althouse as Dimitri

Picture of Paul Althouse in Madeleine
Paul Althouse in Madeleine

Paul Althouse singsHiawatha's wedding feast: Onaway! Awake! Beloved!

Paul Althouse singsIn a Persian garden: Ah! moon of my delight

Paul Althouse sings Aida: Celeste Aida
In RA format

Paul Althouse sings Faust: All hail, thou dwelling pure and lowly
In RA format

Paul Althouse sings Die Walküre: Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond

Paul Althouse sings Die Walküre: Siegmund heiß' ich, with Kirsten Flagstad

Paul Althouse sings Boris Godunov: Dmitrij! Tsarevich! (in Italian), with Margarethe Arndt-Ober
I wish to thank Anton Bieber for the recordings and label scans (In a Persian garden and Hiawatha's wedding feast).
I wish to thank Helmut Krautschneider for the picture (autographed).
I would like to thank Thomas Silverbörg for the pictures (bottom two) and recordings.

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